The word orange is a favorite of mine and whether it is just the color orange, an orange fruit, an orange dress, an orange house etc. I tend to be pulled by a certain force to smile and appreciate it. I have done a lot of creative things that is orange and wonderful illustrations(you can try visiting my other blog...) that makes me happy.
Today at Studio friday, I am bringing you a scene from my imaginative spirit(ha ha). This is what you can see in front of a fun and scary house on Halloween night. There is a guard standing beside the pumpkin-that you can hardly see unless you look at him closely-He is handsome, actually. The only entrance is a door behind and inside the pumpkin, and there you will be transformed to a big hollow space and there you can see whatever scary things that comes to your mind. YOu can see at the white background at the back of the pumpkin are moving shadows of monsters that can't wait to see all of you. .......surprise!!Bwahaahaha....
Wow, I should make something out of my creativity......I've always been imaginative and can make a lot of things fun for children and maybe adults. too. Well, some of the things I regret.......or maybe I am just sour graping whatever please let's all have fun this Halloween if we can......
Success ------for me were the little things that I accomplished in my daily life. It can be…. a finished painting at the end of the day, washed clothes and linens, clean kitchen and toilet, a new tried recipe, and maybe a satisfying day at work……..I really had fun with my illustration today!
I bought these tiny shaped biscuits two weeks ago and it has been keeping me safe from being hungry when I come home in the night, and has to cook my food for sometime. I am not really a 15 minute microwave or oven food tripper because I usually crave for fresh vegetables or fish.
Today at Studio Friday----Replenish, take a breather, recharge your creative do you go about it? Do you make enough time to do so or do you run in danger of burnout?? How do you replenish? Do you exercise, meet a friend, go on a mini vacation, ride your bike, daydream, meditate...?? The possibilities are endless for it. And onceyou get back to your work, have things changed because of it?
Kindly click the image to enLARGE.
In my case, I try to get some exercise starting with waking up early and doing some simple routine exercises while watching the sun rises and then I walk. It can be addicting sometimes, especially when I am already feeling good in my body, and when going up and down in the stairs is not so hard anymore(I live in the top floor). I like walking early morning to smell the flowers and the grass. I like looking at the cloudlike masses of condensed water vapor lying close to the ground. .....I find myself loaded with ideas to create everytime I go back home after walking--it's like the day is just starting.....
In my dream, I am dreaming like a dreamer....
everything is all about you and me and the world we live
in. It is not a perfect world and it's very difficult most of the time, but we manage to reach out, even see and experience things positively most of the time. Life passes us by so quickly, and every chance we get-we try harder to make it work- because life is beautiful and so were YOU and I.