Have you been in that stage in life when you have all the opportunity - the mechanism to be able to talk, to share, to pour out but then you have found out that you cannot find the voice inside you? You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. ---Mahatma Gandhi, Indian ascetic & nationalist leader (1869 - 1948)
A-Z A - Age you got your first Kiss: age 15 going 16 B - Band/Singer listening to right now: - Nada Surf C- Crush: none D- Drink of Choice: pepsi max, coffee, white wine and skrewdriver E - Easiest person: I couldn’t tell. F - Favorite band at the moment: it keeps changing overnight G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: Gummy bears H – Holiday: Boston, Massacchussets I - Instruments: guitar(little) J - Juice(s): Melon, orange, pineapple and mango K-Kids: They deserve the best L - Longest car ride ever: 10 days M - Major: Management N - Nicknames: so many to mention. O - One wish: To die peacefully and without pain. P - Phobia[s]: small space, all little things that is crawling and smelly. Q - Quote: When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.- Helen Keller. R - Reason to smile: children S - Song you sang last: Just feel better T - Time you woke up [today]: 7 am U - Unknown fact about me: I can’t think of anything now. V - Vegetable you hate: Bamboo shoots in Chopseuy. W - Worst thing to have happened to you: Being hit by a car and ‘was not even sorry about it. X-rays you've had: too many to count and thank God: I am as healthy as ever. Y - Yummy food: Fried crispy fish(excluding salmon) in sweet sour sauce and fresh vegetables. Z - Zodiac sign: Aries
Every artist was first an amateur.-Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803 - 1882), There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality. - Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)
This is a drawing I have been working on but I haven't had the desire to finish it. I hope I can do something about it in the days to come.
I like these little creatures in our display cabinet in the sala. They are so tiny and so sweet as if their facial expression tells that they are up to something. There are lots of them but I took this picture because my favorite rabbit is in it.
I have been late doing this because I have not been feeling well lately. Anyway, this illustration is an enhanced drawing to fit in this week's topic. The original is a part of a new series of file I have to release soon.
White t-shirt and blue jeans have always been my favorite attire and even when I draw or paint, I always use an old white t-shirt and my faded and torn Levis' jeans. I also have my favorite beige checkered apron and yellow gloves if I sometimes make a painting out of a messy idea. It has been five years since I have decided to have long hair and I always tie it up higher everytime I am doins something or just staying at home.
FOUR JOBS YOU'VE HAD IN YOUR LIFE: 1) Hospital staff 2) Editor 3) Sales Agent 4) Enterpreneur FOUR MOVIES YOU WOULD WATCH OVER AND OVER: 1) Scent of a Woman 2) Love, Actually 3) Fanny 4) Pirates of the Caribbean FOUR PLACES YOU HAVE LIVED: 1) Philippines 2) Riyadh 3) Denmark 4) still planning FOUR TV SHOWS YOU LOVE TO WATCH: 1) Oprah 2) Heartbeat 3) Judging Amy 4) All danish and English and American crime series. FOUR PLACES YOU HAVE BEEN ON VACATION: 1) Greece 2) Southampthon and London 3) France 4) Norway FOUR OF YOUR FAVORITE FOODS: 1) Filipino Food 2) Danish Food 3) Thai food 4) Italian Food FOUR PLACES YOU WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT NOW: 1) Los Angeles 2) Vancouver 3) Alaska 4) Singapore
I am not good at tagging but anyone is welcome to make their own list
In my dream, I am dreaming like a dreamer....
everything is all about you and me and the world we live
in. It is not a perfect world and it's very difficult most of the time, but we manage to reach out, even see and experience things positively most of the time. Life passes us by so quickly, and every chance we get-we try harder to make it work- because life is beautiful and so were YOU and I.