We don’t have so much space in the kitchen that we have placed the freezer in the studio wherein it has also become the place where we put the other things since the room is a bit bigger. I wanted to convert it to our bedroom because I got lots of things but we did not come up with a nice compromise so we let it be. The first picture is a stand for a big train station. Before, It has been lying like a big table and have not been used for so many years and was used as a dumping station of all the little things my husband has - like scissors, screws, papers you name it….I used to call it “remind me later place”. I agree with him that we can make it beautiful and running again but if we have a much bigger space and time to play with it. It’s like that we come in and go in the house and forget about it that it accumulates dust and some of the parts are also breaking everytime he takes or does something near it. Another unusual thing is some kind of a ladder used for open ceilings or attic which we don’t have at all. For someone like my husband who have lots of ideas for the house which are all in his mind, and only stays there-in his mind because he is not a superman he thought he was, and can do everything when actually, he has no time to pursue everything because of the demands in his job. I used to tease him that he is only good in starting everything and it’s me who will finish the rest and who get the blame at the end-it’s me if something was not right or whatever. It sounds like I am complaining but actually, it has been resolved and he knows I have a point in what I have been saying. We are actually trying to put some creativity and harmony in our marriage which afterall we don't think we have lost at all.
I have been busy in the weekend that it's only today that I had time to play. I am actually satisfied with the results. I have used my right thumb, point finger and small finger in painting this . I have used scarlet red, green, yellow and yellow ochre paints. It took me half an hour to finished this. My camera's flash is not working that is why it is a little bit blurred.
I have to do illustrations for Studio Friday and Illustration Friday, took a picture for Photo Friday and I have to cook afterwards that I didn't had the time to write something about them earlier. These are 3 of my favorite sharpeners that I have been using in my sketches. I was actually inspired to make an illustration instead of taking a picture of them and I have done this alternating with household work. The Christian Dior eraser is 7 years old already and have been with me everywhere I go because it is always in my pencil case in my bag. It has served me efficiently because it sharpens all my pencils very nicely. The two other sharpeners are 3 years old and have been so nice to use because of their colors and shapes. I have used a lot of sharpeners but some of them are not as effective as these three-they are like three peas in a pod.
This is our porch. In the picture is my friend Helen. This is where I relax after working in the garden, sometimes I would lie down on the long garden chair and take a nap while our cat does the same on its favorite chair. Many times this is where I also make flower arrangements or plant flowers on the pot or make my drawings or paint some pots and other things but not during the winter season. I am late in submitting this one because I thought there was no topic for last friday, and the picture on the left is an old one.
Just click the picture for a bigger view.My camera’s flash is not working so I have no choice but to take this pictures during the day. You can find in this picture a recent painting that I made for an hour and yet, I want to do some more with it. There is also the pencil holders that I have been making and have recently started selling to some people(you can click my first week of blogging to be redirected to the the blog I have made regarding it). I do a lot of decorations esp. during christmas season. Last year, I made a very big star 1 ½ meters in length that is made of bamboo trees and have put a cold light bulb inside. I made it so that I will not miss my loveones back in my homeland. A scissor and glue is a necessity for me but you cannot find one in the picture because I ran out already. I like to use different kinds of pencil sharpeners and different kinds of colored pencils on my drawings. I love acrylic and watercolors have been a challenge for me eversince I started painting. I have been using brushes I have bought in a Panduro shop..
In my dream, I am dreaming like a dreamer....
everything is all about you and me and the world we live
in. It is not a perfect world and it's very difficult most of the time, but we manage to reach out, even see and experience things positively most of the time. Life passes us by so quickly, and every chance we get-we try harder to make it work- because life is beautiful and so were YOU and I.